The importance of Nevada’s charity license plates | LETTER

Thank you, Road Warrier Mick Akers, for calling attention to the importance of specialty license plates to fund some of our state’s most important charities and causes (Monday Review-Journal). We share the enthusiasm of other Golden Knights and Raiders fans who have adopted the popular pro sports plates, but we do want readers to remember that many of our community’s most critical charities and causes rely on specialty plate income to fund their operations.

Friends of Red Rock Canyon uses its license plate revenue to keep our city’s “backyard” pristine. Friends takes out the trash that’s left behind by more than 4 million visitors, removes graffiti, feeds and cares for the 10 torts in the Habitat, feeds the hummingbirds, removes invasive plants, maintains hiking trails and helps staff the information desk at the Visitor Center. All to ensure Red Rock Canyon is protected and preserved.

When you renew your license plate or purchase a new vehicle, we hope you’ll keep in mind that your license plate choice matters greatly to the charity or cause you choose and will provide support to that group now and in the future.